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Currency Press Music Titles (1989 - 2001)
These titles were commissioned by Richard Vella as General Editor for Music with Currency Press. They generally fall into two categories: instrumental pedagogy (print music); and scholarly books. Most were instigated in his role as General Editor. However, he had an advisory role with the publications of The Currency Companion to Music & Dance, Metaphor, A musical dimension, and Complete Accord.
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Print Music

Australian Piano Music Vol 1
Sally Mays (ed)

Larry Sitsky's Folk Songs
Michelle Linton France (ed)

Australian Piano Music Vol 2
Sally Mays (ed)

Larry Sitsky's Rhythms Chords & Elbows
Benjamin Thorn (ed)

Australian Piano Music Vol 3
Sally Mays (ed)

Australian Piano Music Vol 4
Sally Mays (ed)

Organ Australis
David Kinsela (ed)


Flexible arrangements



Playing Ad Lib
John Whiteoak

Metaphor: a musical dimension
Jamie C Kassler (ed)

Musical Environments
Richard Vella

Currency Companion to Music & Dance
Aline Scott Maxwell,
John Whiteoak (eds)

Complete Accord
Miriam Hyde

The music of Raymond Hanson
compiled by Graham Hardie

How to play the gum leaf
by Herb Patten
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